I DON'T KNOW ABOUT YOU.... But I am still in post-holiday depression mode. The 4th of July is one of my favorite holidays and we went to the beach, so it made it 10x harder coming home! Take me baccckkk. I definitely indulged this weekend including everything from cupcakes, to margaritas and even some ice cream. Holidays aren't a way to feel guilty or be mad at yourself for making a few *unhealthier* choices, that's okay, you're human! The goal is simply just not to overdo it, but also focus on how to bounce back and reset once you get home.

For me, that's making a healthy smoothie full of ALLL the goodies. I have been making one every morning this week so far, and my body is finally starting to feel back to normal. And no, I unfortunately do not mean a strawberry + banana smoothie (so much sugar!) but rather one that is full of healthy fats, fiber, greens and protein as well in order to keep you feeling full and getting your blood sugar back to being balanced! Here are some of favorite additions for my morning smoothies: PROTEIN: helps to build lean muscle mass - (grass-fed whey, collagen, pea protein, hemp protein). I use Ora Organic, Truvani, Rootz Nutrition, or Manitoba Harvest protein powder and Further Food collagen! (*Use my code "healthandkellness" for a discount!) HEALTHY FATS: stabilize blood sugar, promote hormone balance, and fuel the brain - (avocado, nut butters, unsweetened coconut flakes, MCT oil) FIBER: aids in digestion and keeps you feeling fuller longer - (ground flaxseed, chia seeds, berries) VEGGIES: low in calorie & nutritionally dense - (spinach, kale, swiss chard, frozen cauliflower, cucumber) BASE: helps to make it smooth - (unsweetened coconut milk, almond milk, filtered water) SUPERFOODS: (*optional) - adds additional vitamins and minerals (maca powder, cordyceps, reishi, matcha, spirulina) Try these additions for your next smoothie! You should be feeling a LOT more energized and full after.