Hi there - welcome to Health & Kellness (and my blog). I am so happy to have you!
This is the spot where I will take all of my Instagram posts (and even personal interests & educational finds) to the next level, to best be able to serve you. I will mainly share topics having to do with all things related to wellness: fitness, nutrition, recipes, well-being, trusted resources, skincare, detoxes, etc. But like I said before, I will definitely even take the blog to a personal level and share some posts about fashion, traveling & some of my other favorite things that keep me living a happy & happy life. You've got to have a balance, you know? You can only write about food for so long before you want to pull your hair out.
That being said, I am in no way a 7-degreed nutritional expert (and don't really plan to go back for that much schooling because that sounds terrible).... BUT I am extremely passionate about holistic health and want to share my journey & healthier choices with you as much as I can. I'm learning as I go, reading a ton and asking other resources a million questions to make sure I can relay the best & most accurate information. But hey, I'm still only human and no one is perfect.
I'm going to be real with you first though because I like honesty. It's the best policy, everyone knows that:
There is a very solid chance I will get really blunt and/or even cuss at times in my posts. Writing is an outlet for me and sometimes you just have to let it all loose. I promise I'll keep it PG-13 (if i even ever do take it there) - but you can't say I didn't warn you. If that bothers you, just stop reading.
My opinion is my own (and at times you might not agree), so if you find that you are uninterested in what I share more often than expected, then please simply unfollow me. No need to create unnecessary drama here. I hate drama. However, like I just mentioned, I'm always willing to learn: So please! Don't hesitate to reach out if you have a certain topic you want me to dive into more deeply, a resource or product you found that was super nifty (that way we can all benefit from it!) or even a recipe you whipped up this past weekend while binge watching Netflix. I am ALL for expanding my horizons & I want to be the best resource possible for you. I promise I'm not scary either - I'm 5'2" and can wear kids-sized shoes. So please, let me know!
I don't always eat perfectly, but I do my absolute best because my long-term health & happiness is extremely important to me. But life is just full of SO much interesting food that sometimes it is hard to say no. Or I have just had the worst day ever & the only thing to solve it is a box of Ferrero Rocher chocolates. If you have no idea what I'm talking about, you need to re-evaluate your life. All I'm saying is I stay on track 98% of the time, but for that 2% I don't....again, I'm sorry, but I already told you I'm not perfect. I'd be super lame if I was.
So yeah, that's me. And my goals for this website for both my future clients & the future of this company. I know in my gut that helping others achieve their healthiest lifestyle (and not just by being "fit") was why I was put onto this Earth, so I want to make sure to succeed in doing so. It's time to shed light on some new habits & steer people's mindsets in a new direction.
Better late than never right?
Poke around my website if you haven't already to read more about me & what I offer, and be sure to follow me on Instagram and Facebook to keep up with all of my posts! I look forward to working with you and impacting you in your health journey.
In health,